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The e-commerce.

too large database


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I have a big problem: I have stored up to 3300 products and it's still growing (maybe up to 10.000 or more).


OsCommerce seems not to like this size and is having problems in Admin with it. When creating an backup through the Database Manager it gives an time out error in set_time_limit...cannot run in safe mode.


I've looked al over the forum, but can't find anything to solve my problem.


Is there a simple way to create multiple sql-files or zip-files in OsCommerce or is there an other way to create a backup without the time-out errors?



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I have a big problem: I have stored up to 3300 products and it's still growing (maybe up to 10.000 or more).


OsCommerce seems not to like this size and is having problems in Admin with it. When creating an backup through the Database Manager it gives an time out error in set_time_limit...cannot run in safe mode.


I've looked al over the forum, but can't find anything to solve my problem.


Is there a simple way to create multiple sql-files or zip-files in OsCommerce or is there an other way to create a backup without the time-out errors?




It's not an osCommerce problem but server side. Talk to your host for a solution. Ultimately you should always be able to make a backup through your phpMyadmin interface.

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