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SSL Problem and Graphics Issue


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I installed a local certificate via my hosts on to my web site. If I manually type in the https name I get a message indicating that the certificate is not from a trusted authority as expected


but even though I thought I made the appropriate adjustments to the catalog/includes/configure.php file it is not


1) redirecting any of the checkout pages to the secure server, and

2) for some reason the graphics are not linked properly anymore even with the http:// designation


the catalog page can be viewed at http://kokoro-jewelry.com/catalog/index.php


the entries I made to the configure.php file are as shown below


// * DIR_WS_* = Webserver directories (virtual/URL)

define('HTTP_SERVER', 'http://www.kokoro-jewelry.com'); // eg, http://localhost - should not be empty for productive servers

define('HTTPS_SERVER', 'https://www.kokoro-jewelry.com'); // eg, https://localhost - should not be empty for productive servers

define('ENABLE_SSL', true); // secure webserver for checkout procedure?

define('HTTP_COOKIE_DOMAIN', 'www.kokoro-jewelry.com');

define('HTTPS_COOKIE_DOMAIN', 'www.kokoro-jewelry.com');

define('HTTP_COOKIE_PATH', '/catalog/');

define('HTTPS_COOKIE_PATH', '/catalog/');

define('DIR_WS_HTTP_CATALOG', '/catalog/');

define('DIR_WS_HTTPS_CATALOG', '/catalog/');

define('DIR_WS_IMAGES', 'images/');

define('DIR_WS_ICONS', DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'icons/');


Thanks in advance for any help!

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seems hsphere is not a trusted ssl authority

I was aware that I would get a message saying it was not a trusted authority. I was planning on replacing with an SSL from VeriSign or equivalent at a later date. However, the certificate is valid and I was presuming that the site would work properly and automatically transfer to an https: designation with the lock as long as I approved the certificate. The site however never enters https: and for some reason the links to the OS Commerce graphics are not working. Although, if I go forward in the site and then page backwards all of a sudden they appear.


Would having a valid certificate from a trusted authority fix all these issues?? I was under the impression that if I told Internet Explorer I trusted the SSL certificate then the site should work as if it was the same as a trusted certificate.



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I installed a local certificate via my hosts on to my web site. If I manually type in the https name I get a message indicating that the certificate is not from a trusted authority as expected


but even though I thought I made the appropriate adjustments to the catalog/includes/configure.php file it is not


1) redirecting any of the checkout pages to the secure server, and

2) for some reason the graphics are not linked properly anymore even with the http:// designation


the catalog page can be viewed at http://kokoro-jewelry.com/catalog/index.php


the entries I made to the configure.php file are as shown below


// * DIR_WS_* = Webserver directories (virtual/URL)

define('HTTP_SERVER', 'http://www.kokoro-jewelry.com'); // eg, http://localhost - should not be empty for productive servers

define('HTTPS_SERVER', 'https://www.kokoro-jewelry.com'); // eg, https://localhost - should not be empty for productive servers

define('ENABLE_SSL', true); // secure webserver for checkout procedure?

define('HTTP_COOKIE_DOMAIN', 'www.kokoro-jewelry.com');

define('HTTPS_COOKIE_DOMAIN', 'www.kokoro-jewelry.com');

define('HTTP_COOKIE_PATH', '/catalog/');

define('HTTPS_COOKIE_PATH', '/catalog/');

define('DIR_WS_HTTP_CATALOG', '/catalog/');

define('DIR_WS_HTTPS_CATALOG', '/catalog/');

define('DIR_WS_IMAGES', 'images/');

define('DIR_WS_ICONS', DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'icons/');


Thanks in advance for any help!


The HTTP_SERVER and HTTPS_SERVER entries are not correct. These need /catalog/ added to the end. This should fix the image problem.


The ssl certificate you have is not causing these problem. Since you have this certificate (in the form of a file), you can import it into your browser to avoid the popup message. See the IE menu - tools - internet options - content - certificates...

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The HTTP_SERVER and HTTPS_SERVER entries are not correct. These need /catalog/ added to the end. This should fix the image problem.


The ssl certificate you have is not causing these problem. Since you have this certificate (in the form of a file), you can import it into your browser to avoid the popup message. See the IE menu - tools - internet options - content - certificates...


Thanks! I did as you suggested above but there was no change the problem still exists.


The images do not show up unless I go forward to another page like checkout and then hit the back button. Also, I am not getting the lock on any of my pages even when the https designation is present.


You can take a look by viewing either http://www.kokoro-jewelry.com/catalog/index.php or https://www.kokoro-jewelry.com/index.php


If you or anyone has any other thoughts on what might be wrong I would appreciate it.


Shown below is the setup from a portion of the configure.php file in the catalog/includes folder


// Define the webserver and path parameters

// * DIR_FS_* = Filesystem directories (local/physical)

// * DIR_WS_* = Webserver directories (virtual/URL)

define('HTTP_SERVER', 'http://www.kokoro-jewelry.com/catalog/'); // eg, http://localhost - should not be empty for productive servers

define('HTTPS_SERVER', 'https://kokoro-jewelry.com/catalog/'); // eg, https://localhost - should not be empty for productive servers

define('ENABLE_SSL',true); // secure webserver for checkout procedure?

define('HTTP_COOKIE_DOMAIN', 'www.kokoro-jewelry.com');

define('HTTPS_COOKIE_DOMAIN', 'www.kokoro-jewelry.com');

define('HTTP_COOKIE_PATH', '/catalog/');

define('HTTPS_COOKIE_PATH', '/catalog/');

define('DIR_WS_HTTP_CATALOG', '/catalog/');

define('DIR_WS_HTTPS_CATALOG', '/catalog/');



Thanks much,

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Local: Mac OS X 10.5.8 - Apache 2.2/php 5.3.0/MySQL 5.4.10 • Web Servers: Linux

Tools: BBEdit, Coda, Versions (Subversion), Sequel Pro (db management)

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