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How do I edit what's on my catalog/index page?


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text is via the includes/languages/english/index.php


Thank you for the help. I found those files at my server site and downloaded them via FTP.


I see the text I want to edit in the includes/languages/english/index.php file.


On the stylesheet.css file, I found it in /catalog/ & /catalog/admin/includes/.

(the /catalog/install/ folder was deleted as instructed after installation.)


It appears all the modifications are in /catalog/ as I see my background color in the stylesheet.css file at that location. Does the file in the /catalog/admin/includes/ folder ever need to be modified or can that be left alone if I decide to change something? It's different from the file in the /catalog/ folder and I think the original file from osC.

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how do i go about changing the whole look on oscommerce page? for an instance, http://www.beancoffeeshop.com/ has totally different look from the dafault. i m sure that it has something to do with some files, not just stylesheet file. i do not have any idea how to go about it as i m new to oscommerce. any help will be appreciated. thanks


I'm no expert at this yet, it took me nearly 3 weeks just to get osC working with Yahoo. I finally found someone in the forum who could help me and my store is running. I saw this thread in the forum that might be of help to you. I haven't tried any of the suggestions there yet but it might help point you in the right direction:


Basics for design, Basics for osc design change



Recently I posted for help with changing font size & got no response in the forum but PM'd someone who sent me the answer:


To fix/change the text style for the main page and product listing do this;

Open catalog/stylesheet.css

Scroll down till you see this section


TD.main, P.main {

font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;

font-size: 12px;

line-height: 1.5;



change the the font and size accordingly, i.e.


TD.main, P.main {

font-family: Times New Roman, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;

font-size: 15px;

line-height: 1.5;



The reason why there is more than one font type listed is this; should a users PC's not have the first font available then the next in line will be used and so on.

If you dont want the type to revert to any of the others as they may spoil the look of the layout then just remove them from the list like so;


TD.main, P.main {

font-family: Arial, sans-serif;

font-size: 12px;

line-height: 1.5;



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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm no expert at this yet, it took me nearly 3 weeks just to get osC working with Yahoo. I finally found someone in the forum who could help me and my store is running. I saw this thread in the forum that might be of help to you. I haven't tried any of the suggestions there yet but it might help point you in the right direction:


Basics for design, Basics for osc design change



Recently I posted for help with changing font size & got no response in the forum but PM'd someone who sent me the answer:


thank you robert. hmm. i did read basic for osc design. only i need to know is to make the container smaller for only the osc stuff inside. So far I couldnt find the code that can allow me to change the color for the body and container as well. like beancoffeeshop.com you see black and red. thats what i want to do.

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how do i go about changing the whole look on oscommerce page? for an instance, http://www.beancoffeeshop.com/ has totally different look from the dafault. i m sure that it has something to do with some files, not just stylesheet file. i do not have any idea how to go about it as i m new to oscommerce. any help will be appreciated. thanks


If there is anything specific you want to know, just ask.



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how do i go about changing the whole look on oscommerce page? for an instance, http://www.beancoffeeshop.com/ has totally different look from the dafault. i m sure that it has something to do with some files, not just stylesheet file. i do not have any idea how to go about it as i m new to oscommerce. any help will be appreciated. thanks


If there is anything specific you want to know, just ask.




Thanks for ur reply. I assume that you use center MS2 contribution. How did you put categories drop list menu on your header? I plan to put it on the same horziontal line as login, account, create account. Also how did you delete the Create account link etc?



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I assume that you use center MS2 contribution.


The site design is all done via code change (stylesheet). Center shop will work, the site is set to 760 px width.


How did you put categories drop list menu on your header?


<td><div align="center"><?php $info_box_contents = array();

$info_box_contents[] = array('form' => '<form action="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_HOME) . '" method="get">' . tep_hide_session_id(),

'text' => tep_draw_pull_down_menu('cPath', tep_get_categories(array(array('id' => '', 'text' => 'Categories'))),$cPath, 'onchange="this.form.submit();"'));

new infoBox($info_box_contents);?></div></td>


I plan to put it on the same horziontal line as login, account, create account.


<hr width="90%" />


Also how did you delete the Create account link etc?


I don't know what create account link you mean.

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The site design is all done via code change (stylesheet). Center shop will work, the site is set to 760 px width.

<td><div align="center"><?php $info_box_contents = array();

$info_box_contents[] = array('form' => '<form action="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_HOME) . '" method="get">' . tep_hide_session_id(),

'text' => tep_draw_pull_down_menu('cPath', tep_get_categories(array(array('id' => '', 'text' => 'Categories'))),$cPath, 'onchange="this.form.submit();"'));

new infoBox($info_box_contents);?></div></td>

<hr width="90%" />

I don't know what create account link you mean.



whoa so fast reply. thanks.

i wanted to change links -- you see My Account|Cart Content|Checkout.

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Does anybody know how to remove the text on the index page that says "Welcome Guest! Would you like to log yourself in? Or would you prefer to create an account"? I am going crazy trying to find this. Also, how do you change the text that appears on the top of almost every page that says "Let's See What We Have Here". Thanks in advance for everybody's help.

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java, how did you manage to modify the look? i notice that people made a lot of changes. i am a newbie and i am bad with tables. i wonder- if i were to modify heavily, does it mean that i have to be careful to add tables before it screws up? (excuse me for my language)

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i wanted to change links -- you see My Account|Cart Content|Checkout.


That is in includes/header.php. The code is easy to find and once you look at it you will see it is easy to add/remove things from that line. I think the names are defined in includes/languages/english.php


For adding things like All Products we just added the contribution but did not use the part that makes it show up in the information box, we just added it to the breadcrumb via header.


Does anybody know how to remove the text on the index page that says "Welcome Guest! Would you like to log yourself in? Or would you prefer to create an account"? I am going crazy trying to find this. Also, how do you change the text that appears on the top of almost every page that says "Let's See What We Have Here". Thanks in advance for everybody's help.


Search the forum for "welcome guest", it has been answered 1000's of times. If you have trouble with the forum search try Google, it works also.


java, how did you manage to modify the look? i notice that people made a lot of changes. i am a newbie and i am bad with tables. i wonder- if i were to modify heavily, does it mean that i have to be careful to add tables before it screws up? (excuse me for my language)


Our layout is 99% done with the stylesheet, not tables. There is an excellent resource for the stylesheet in the Knowledge Base. It is really quite easy (I say that now :P ). There are 3 main areas that you have to work with on your site.

The black background for the page;


body {

background-color: #xxxxxx;



The dark brown for the column(s);


<!-- body //-->

<table width="760px" bgcolor="#yyyyyy" border="0" align="center" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">


We did it in the code but it would be better to create a new class in the stylesheet and add that to the table (as in the example below)


The gold (sort of) colour on the main page;


TD.main, P.main {

background-color: #zzzzzz;



And then on each page;


<!-- body_text //-->

<td class="main" width="100%" valign="top">


That is the short version of the stylesheet changes but it will give you a lot more stuff to sort out, but it will get you started. Start by changing the background for the infoboxes and then the infobox headers, etc. You will see after a bit of learning how easy it is to create your own look. Dreamweaver makes it very easy to change the stylesheet, I highly recommend it as a program. It is a few $$$ though. I am sure if your seached the internet you could find a stylesheet/CSS program for free. All you really need from it is;

1) how/what choices do you have in definitions.

2) what all the colour codes are.


We also combined and got rid of a lot of the standard osC stylesheet definitions as a lot of them are virtually the same. I don't have my site open at the momment but I think it is <body> that loads first, that is where our font is generated, you don't need to call the font past there so you can get rid of the other font definitions and just call the size of the font for the others. That will give your site a little leaner stylesheet and consistency.


Just to clarify the colours are done with the stylesheet, the page layouts are done with the code, mostly just removing things we didn't want to show up and adding contribuitons to make things show up that we did want.

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If you delete osC and then reinstall it will show up with the DVD's etc in it again. Those parts you just have to remove via the admin and add your own products.

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Java Roasters has the basic "table" look that I want for mine. How do I do the style sheet so there is a background image?


Is there a site that has a reasonably decent explanation/tutorial of stylesheets?


A few posts up or look in the Knowledge base.



java, thanks a lot for tips. one last questions - can it be possible if i chose to make div groups without tables in oscommerce?


I have no idea what a div group is, I can't write one line of code so I am not the person to ask. I just know my site and how it was put together, beyond that I get totally lost.

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That is in includes/header.php. The code is easy to find and once you look at it you will see it is easy to add/remove things from that line. I think the names are defined in includes/languages/english.php


For adding things like All Products we just added the contribution but did not use the part that makes it show up in the information box, we just added it to the breadcrumb via header.

Search the forum for "welcome guest", it has been answered 1000's of times. If you have trouble with the forum search try Google, it works also.

Our layout is 99% done with the stylesheet, not tables. There is an excellent resource for the stylesheet in the Knowledge Base. It is really quite easy (I say that now :P ). There are 3 main areas that you have to work with on your site.

The black background for the page;


body {

background-color: #xxxxxx;



The dark brown for the column(s);


<!-- body //-->

<table width="760px" bgcolor="#yyyyyy" border="0" align="center" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">


We did it in the code but it would be better to create a new class in the stylesheet and add that to the table (as in the example below)


The gold (sort of) colour on the main page;


TD.main, P.main {

background-color: #zzzzzz;



And then on each page;


<!-- body_text //-->

<td class="main" width="100%" valign="top">


That is the short version of the stylesheet changes but it will give you a lot more stuff to sort out, but it will get you started. Start by changing the background for the infoboxes and then the infobox headers, etc. You will see after a bit of learning how easy it is to create your own look. Dreamweaver makes it very easy to change the stylesheet, I highly recommend it as a program. It is a few $$$ though. I am sure if your seached the internet you could find a stylesheet/CSS program for free. All you really need from it is;

1) how/what choices do you have in definitions.

2) what all the colour codes are.


We also combined and got rid of a lot of the standard osC stylesheet definitions as a lot of them are virtually the same. I don't have my site open at the momment but I think it is <body> that loads first, that is where our font is generated, you don't need to call the font past there so you can get rid of the other font definitions and just call the size of the font for the others. That will give your site a little leaner stylesheet and consistency.


Just to clarify the colours are done with the stylesheet, the page layouts are done with the code, mostly just removing things we didn't want to show up and adding contribuitons to make things show up that we did want.



Your site looks great!! One question,.. how did you shrink the width of the page so that the black background shows,.. and so that the main info on the site does not take up the entire page?



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how did you shrink the width of the page so that the black background shows,.. and so that the main info on the site does not take up the entire page?


In the example below you can set that to whatever you want, either a % or px. %'s are based on the size of the persons screen, px's are fixed no matter how big or small the persons screen is.


<!-- body //-->

<table width="760px" bgcolor="#yyyyyy" border="0" align="center" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">

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