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The e-commerce.

Please help!


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Hi! im fairly new to oscommerse and php. I want to add a paragraph of text immediately above my list of products. How can i do this?

Are there html statements stored within the mysql database? if so how can i view and update these statements in order to change the layout of my products table? Also how can i tell what cPath=24 references?

Any info would be a great help!! thank you!

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Hi! I dont think you understood what i meant. I dont want to change the text on my front page but add a paragraph of text above my products table. I cannot seem to do this as there is not actually a page where i can edit.

For example to find out where a link in my info box references i can edit information.php. To find out where a link in my links box references i goto links.php.

To find out where a link in my catagories box references i should in theory look in catagories.php. However catagories.php is full of complecated php code which i do not understand. Basically i just nedd to view the section of html code which sets up my products table so i can alter this. Any idea where i can find this html information.



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