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The e-commerce.

Functionality Questions


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I am very new to this particular e-commerce package but I do have some general questions if you don not mind. If there is somewhere I should go first to get all of these questions answered please let me know and I apologize in advance for my ignorance.


I have a client that is looking for an e-commerce package to handle some fairly complex transactions. (I least I think it may be complex) His hosting company provides osCommerce with his hosting and I wanted to know if we could utilize it.


He will need the following:

1. His customer to be able to order products from a previous order to prevent searching for repeat orders of the same product.

2. Recommend other product based on history of past purchases.

3. Support qty discounts.

4. Support promotional codes

5. Promote specials

6. Customers should be able to order items to be shipped directly as well as delivered on there next delivery date. (this is a service oriented business that makes scheduled service calls, similar to water delivery companies)


Appreciate any information regarding this functionality.




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