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The e-commerce.

php.exe fatal error


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Hi there,


I've just installed osCommerce on my laptop. Installation gave no errors, but running the catalog or the admin tool, caused IE to crash php.exe. IE says (in dutch): "In php.exe is een fout opgetreden en moet worden afgesloten. Onze excuses voor dit ongemak." This means that an error occured in php.exe and the program has been closed down.


So, the page is shown, but it look like the PHP parser quits halfway through the page.


I am running an apache server (1.3.23 (win32)) on a windows machine. I've PHP 4.1.1 and MySQL 3.23.47-nt installed.


Anyone familiar with this problem? Is this due to local installation? Any thoughts?




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Rather than try to track down the problem with your server setup I'd advise you to uninstall Apache, MySQL and PHP from your laptop, shut down and reboot your laptop and then download and install the all-in-one package called XAMPP (http://www.apachefriends.org). It's a 1-click install and should set everything up for you.



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Thanks for your advice. I will do that.


However, I've been running this combination (apache, php and MySQL) for almost a year without any problems, so I am not sure it is a server problem. Couls it be a osCommerce problem? Have you ever heard or experienced this kind of error?




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