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The e-commerce.

New Site Advice


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I am doing a proposal for a new retail site. I have not done one before and the site would be hosted with support for OS Commerce included.


My questions are quite broad at this point and I understand assumptions would have to be made.


1. How many hours would it take to put up a basic site with credit card support?

2. This one may be more difficult, but which of the credit gateways would be best? I'm assuming I would have both a gateway for credit cards and Paypal to handle those buyers.


Thanks, Chuck.

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1. This would depend totally on you and a number of variables. What do you consider basic? What contributions you need to make your store function? What is your level of skill with PHP and HTML? How fast do you work?


There's really no way to truly answer that question.


2. A lot of people (in the US) use Authorizenet. But you really need to do your own comparison of the different Merchants and Re-Sellers to get a better idea of what will suit you.

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