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The e-commerce.

One item in multiple categories?


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Is it possible for one item to reside in more than one category without having multiple copies of the item?


Say, for example, I'm selling shirts. One of the shirts is a blue t-shirt with the North Carolina Tarheels logo. This shirt should be able to reside in both the "Sports / NCAA / North Carolina" and "Blue" categories. But, having it as two separate items would seem to cause a lot of duplication. Making changes could become problematic, and it seems that the reports would get messed up.

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Is it possible for one item to reside in more than one category without having multiple copies of the item?


Say, for example, I'm selling shirts. One of the shirts is a blue t-shirt with the North Carolina Tarheels logo. This shirt should be able to reside in both the "Sports / NCAA / North Carolina" and "Blue" categories. But, having it as two separate items would seem to cause a lot of duplication. Making changes could become problematic, and it seems that the reports would get messed up.


Not a problem for osC :D

Go to your catalog and choose copy to for a product. From there take the Link Product method and the product will be linked instead of fysically copied. If you change one of the linked products all other occurences will be changed with it which is exactly what you want in this case.



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