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Register_global error but, I haven't done anything


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Hi, I was just about to start work on changing the image of my store when I got the fatal error. I have searched through the forums and it says that the host has changed something so I just need to implement some fixes... My site isn't being hosted by anyone so I don't understand??? I can't find a php.ini file either..


Can someone help??? pleeeeease :(

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Hi, I was just about to start work on changing the image of my store when I got the fatal error. I have searched through the forums and it says that the host has changed something so I just need to implement some fixes... My site isn't being hosted by anyone so I don't understand??? I can't find a php.ini file either..


Can someone help??? pleeeeease :(



What do you mean your site isn't being hosted by someone? It's on a public server people can access through the web? If so, it's being hosted by whoever you are paying for the server, or it's a free one, still being hosted by that company. Can you post the error message?

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