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The e-commerce.

colored category name


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How can I when entering category name in admin > Categories / Products > Edit or > new catergory or > new product add buttons to choose - text colour, text size, text style of category name which will then show on web page catergories box.


So that one can have different looking catalog tabs in the osC catergories box


Thanks for any help.


Kind Regards,


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You can't do that within admin. You'd either have to look for a Contribution that does it, or edit the includes/boxes/categories file along with creating new classes in stylesheet.css.



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You can't do that within admin. You'd either have to look for a Contribution that does it, or edit the includes/boxes/categories file along with creating new classes in stylesheet.css.



Hi Rhea,


Firstly hope you had a Happy Christmas and I wish you a prosperous New Year.


Ok! Thanks for your prompt reply but I'm not sure if you understood me.


I want to add the buttons to the admin edit catergories page so I don't have to type in the category name

<font color=red size=3 style= lucida handwriting> My Catergory Name </font] it will be changed on a per catergory name basis


Also one other question is -


How do I increase the catergory name length? because when I type as the above it deletes a few digits from the end and it comes out like this -

<font color=red> My Catergory Name
Removing the ending </font> tag


I hope this clarifies.


Kind Regards,


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I want to add the buttons to the admin edit catergories page so I don't have to type in the category name


I'm sorry, but what you are asking to do there doesn't make any sense at all code wise.


To increase the Category name length you would have to do this to the database using phpMyAdmin



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