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How do I not have sids in my URL but...


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I have tried to read up on this on the forums but it is too confusing with all different views. I want to allow spiders to index my site, but I want to keep the sids out of the URLs that they index. Here are my session settings:


Force Cookie Use: False

Check SSL Session ID: True

Check User Agent: True

Check IP Address: False

Prevent Spider Sessions: True

Recreate Session: True



What do I set here in order to allow spiders to index my site, but keep the sids out of the URLs that they index? I use shared SSL and use the updated spider.txt.

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Go to Contributions and look for the spiders.txt contribution. The basic osCommrce spiders.txt file is two years out of date and doesn't list many of the newer spiders - including MSN Bot and Yahoo Inktomi. The spiders.txt contribution is kept updated - it has one file with all the major spiders and another LARGE file with most of the minor ones too.



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Go to Contributions and look for the spiders.txt contribution. The basic osCommrce spiders.txt file is two years out of date and doesn't list many of the newer spiders - including MSN Bot and Yahoo Inktomi. The spiders.txt contribution is kept updated - it has one file with all the major spiders and another LARGE file with most of the minor ones too.




Yes, I have that spiders.txt installed. Will that prevent my site from being indexed with sids in the URLs?

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