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Is it possible to link one attribute to two options?


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Not sure what you're asking here.

Are you asking if you can have multiple attributes on one item? If that's your question, then yes, certainly.



Kind of.....Lets say I have some t-shirts in 5 colors and 3 sizes. The product would be t-shirts.

I have to dropdown options , size and color.

I create the attribute small/blue quantity 10. The seller selects from the 2 dropdowns.


Size -> Small

Color -> blue


How do I get the inventory to reflect the new quantity, 9? I should now have 9 small blue t-shirts.

Do I need to create an option that has both Size and Color?


e.g. Available Options: Size/Color -> Small Blue


I wan to use Size and Color Options, not a Size/Color option.





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Kind of.....Lets say I have some t-shirts in 5 colors and 3 sizes. The product would be t-shirts.

I have to dropdown options , size and color.

I create the attribute small/blue quantity 10. The seller selects from the 2 dropdowns.


Size -> Small

Color -> blue


How do I get the inventory to reflect the new quantity, 9? I should now have 9 small blue t-shirts.

Do I need to create an option that has both Size and Color?


e.g. Available Options: Size/Color -> Small Blue


I wan to use Size and Color Options, not a Size/Color option.






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