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The e-commerce.

STS Failure...


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Hello Everyone,


We are trying to design a site using the STS and and we go to this location:




and this appears:


403 Forbidden


You don't have permission to access /catalog/includes/sts_display_output.php on this server.

Apache/2.0.52 (CentOS) Server at www.somesite.com Port 80


Now for testing we have set the entire directory for somesite to chmod 777 and all the permissions are set to RWX but we still get this error.


Any idea what might cause this?


Are we over looking something?



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FOLDER permissions should be 755 or 777 (777 is full permissions), but files (with the exception of the two configure.php files) should be 644.


755 or 777 for files is a security risk - which is probably why you're getting that message.


The two configure.php files should b either 644, 444 or 400 depending on the server setup.



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