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The e-commerce.

Problem with google search...


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I've a e-shop powered by osCommerce, and everything runs ok but I've a little problem.


When I search my commerce name or adress at google page, google found's it but the title of the result is OsCommerce, and I would like that the title of the result was my page title's. Where I will have to replace the word "osCommerce" by my title's page???


Thank you,

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ok go to your (catalog)includes/languages/english.php


and look for this:


/ page title

define('TITLE', 'osCommerce');


and change it to:


/ page title

define('TITLE', 'Your Name');

Wade Morris

Amarillo, Texas


Before you do any changes on your site you need to do BACKUP! BACKUP!

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Hi Morris!!!


Thank you for your help but the files includes/languages/english.php and spanish.php are ok with my shop's name in the TITLE.


When you see my page you can see the correct title but when you fund it at google appears Oscommerce title's.


I'm from spain and my english is not very good as you see...


I'll send you my shop's name and perhaps If you see the problem you'll understand it better.


Shop name's: comprabien.net

(adress http://www.comprabien.net)


If you'll put comprabien.net google will find a result that's ok, but the tittle of this result will be osCommerce and I would like that it will be comprabien.


Thank you very much for your help,

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Ok I see what you are saying search engines does take a while to get an update for your site.

Wade Morris

Amarillo, Texas


Before you do any changes on your site you need to do BACKUP! BACKUP!

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Hi Morris!!!


Thank you for your help but the files includes/languages/english.php and spanish.php are ok with my shop's name in the TITLE.


When you see my page you can see the correct title but when you fund it at google appears Oscommerce title's.


I'm from spain and my english is not very good as you see...


I'll send you my shop's name and perhaps If you see the problem you'll understand it better.


Shop name's: comprabien.net

(adress http://www.comprabien.net)


If you'll put comprabien.net google will find a result that's ok, but the tittle of this result will be osCommerce and I would like that it will be comprabien.


Thank you very much for your help,


The last snapshot of your page that Google has in their database was taken on December 9th. It's likely at that time you had osCommerce in the title and so it is what was recorded. It will stay that way until they refresh your site in their DB.


Be well,


If you're not having fun you're not doing it right


Teach a person to fish rather than give them a loaf of bread or however that saying goes.

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