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Problem with languages files


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Hello Everyone,


First let me thank you in advanced for your help. I need a OS Commerce expert!


I am some serious trouble!! My Catalog or any other page does not show up!


I do not understand what happend? I have alot of contributiosns added to my installtion including the STS template system. Everything was working beutifuly without a problem I was just make a change in the english.php file to change the text and when i refreshed the page I noticed that the login box contribution was wacky. I though maybe the browser screwed up. But then I hit refresh again and nothing..... thats when I noticed the catalog was not coming up!! As a matter of fact no pages show up even if you click on the privacy notice, contact us, specials, nothing. all I get is a blank center page. I have no Idea was is happening.


Here is as far as was able to trouble shoot it. I am by no means a PHP person or a program but I understand somewhat.


1) I tried to use the back up files I had from to days earlier to restore it ( I figured I would only need to redo 2 days work). Nothing same thing.


2) I tried to view the website on two other machines I have, nothing same issue.


3) I cleared my cache, temporay internet files and cookies, nothing same issue.


4) I revesered my changes for the past two hours and still I have nothing.


I Need desperate help as I need to deliver this store by the end of the week and I have at least 3 more days of work on it.


Here is the link: http://www.kissnbliss.com


Please if anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated.


Thank you so much!!!

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Ok I think I see your problem in your (catalog)/includes/languages/english/login.php

this is what it should be:

 $Id: login.php,v 1.14 2003/06/09 22:46:46 hpdl Exp $

 osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions

 Copyright (c) 2003 osCommerce

 Released under the GNU General Public License

define('NAVBAR_TITLE', 'Login');
define('HEADING_TITLE', 'Welcome, Please Sign In');

define('HEADING_NEW_CUSTOMER', 'New Customer');
define('TEXT_NEW_CUSTOMER', 'I am a new customer.');
define('TEXT_NEW_CUSTOMER_INTRODUCTION', 'By creating an account at ' . STORE_NAME . ' you will be able to shop faster, be up to date on an orders status, and keep track of the orders you have previously made.');

define('HEADING_RETURNING_CUSTOMER', 'Returning Customer');
define('TEXT_RETURNING_CUSTOMER', 'I am a returning customer.');

define('TEXT_PASSWORD_FORGOTTEN', 'Password forgotten? Click here.');

define('TEXT_LOGIN_ERROR', 'Error: No match for E-Mail Address and/or Password.');
define('TEXT_VISITORS_CART', '<font color="#ff0000"><b>Note:</b></font> Your "Visitors Cart" contents will be merged with your "Members Cart" contents once you have logged on. <a href="javascript:session_win();">[More Info]</a>');

Wade Morris

Amarillo, Texas


Before you do any changes on your site you need to do BACKUP! BACKUP!

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Ok I think I see your problem in your (catalog)/includes/languages/english/login.php

this is what it should be:

 $Id: login.php,v 1.14 2003/06/09 22:46:46 hpdl Exp $

 osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions

 Copyright (c) 2003 osCommerce

 Released under the GNU General Public License

define('NAVBAR_TITLE', 'Login');
define('HEADING_TITLE', 'Welcome, Please Sign In');

define('HEADING_NEW_CUSTOMER', 'New Customer');
define('TEXT_NEW_CUSTOMER', 'I am a new customer.');
define('TEXT_NEW_CUSTOMER_INTRODUCTION', 'By creating an account at ' . STORE_NAME . ' you will be able to shop faster, be up to date on an orders status, and keep track of the orders you have previously made.');

define('HEADING_RETURNING_CUSTOMER', 'Returning Customer');
define('TEXT_RETURNING_CUSTOMER', 'I am a returning customer.');

define('TEXT_PASSWORD_FORGOTTEN', 'Password forgotten? Click here.');

define('TEXT_LOGIN_ERROR', 'Error: No match for E-Mail Address and/or Password.');
define('TEXT_VISITORS_CART', '<font color="#ff0000"><b>Note:</b></font> Your "Visitors Cart" contents will be merged with your "Members Cart" contents once you have logged on. <a href="javascript:session_win();">[More Info]</a>');

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Hey thanks for your reply.


I checked my login.php file and it is Identical to yours. I also copied and paste your file and still I have the same error. I think it is some sort of a global issue with just one file but I do not know enough to find out.


Thanks, any other suggestions?

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I just did a test. I completely removed the login box and contribution and I am still getting the same error. This tells me that the issue is not with the log in box. What ever is causing it to display imporperly is cause verything else to act out of place.


Thanks for the help thus far.

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I just did a test. I completely removed the login box and contribution and I am still getting the same error. This tells me that the issue is not with the log in box. What ever is causing it to display imporperly is cause verything else to act out of place.


Thanks for the help thus far.



Anyone else? I am about to re-install.

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Anyone else? I am about to re-install.



Nevermind. I repaired the problem. It had to do with the STS template system. Somehow the sts_display_output.php got corrupt. I only found this out because I simple deleted the includes directory ( I did not want to do a re-install) and then uploaded a new includes directory form a non modified unzipped oscommcerce directory. I then went and replaced each file in the includes with the ones I previously had and tested each one as I uploaded them one by one, until I found out which one gave me the error.


I hope this helps anyone that might run into a similar problem.

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