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The e-commerce.

HOw to Disable the shopping cart function?


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Hello all, I just install osCommerce on my site. But only want the catalog function to show picture, price ect.


Maybe later, when I want sell something, that I can turn on the shopping cart function again. But I cann't find where to disable the shopping cart function in the Admin page.


Thanks all :lol:

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This contribution removes the "Buy Now" and "Add To Cart" buttons for selected products by adding a checkbox to

the categories.php page when you add or edit a product. You can set the default behavior for this feature in the

Product Listing menu under Configuration. This allows you to decide whether the default is to allow the buttons,

or not depending on your needs. You can also change this on a per item basis using the checkbox added to the add

and edit functions for the products.


We have included all the files modified as well as a SQL script to make the change to the database.

If you have a clean installation of 2.2 MS2 you can simply run the sql script, and overwrite your

existing files with those provided for a quick mod. All of the changes are marked with "JLG Disable Buy Now and Shopping Cart"

so you can find them easily.






Do anyone know how to run the SQL script?


Thanks for the help

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oh oh I find out how to run the sql script, it from the phpmyadmin -> select the database -> run the sql script.


But the thing is it don't work, my add to cart still working, I can still check out my shopping car.


I only want catalog function, to show what do I sell, but don't want them to buy it online.


Nacer Thank you for the link. Maybe I'll try one more time.

-Spazmatic- I'll try this now, hope it don't break anything lol

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