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Adding fields to MySql????


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Hi ...yet a nother Newbie here.......hoping someone can help


I am installing a contribution (Customers List Improved 1.4_1_1) to add to my new site construction , however, like most newbies I have hit a snag.


The install instructions say "Add customer_notes field to your SQL database in the customer table."....yep sounds real easy .....I admit ...I'm now out of my depth.....any help would be appreciated.

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The install instructions say "Add customer_notes field to your SQL database in the customer table."
Often a file with the extension sql is in the package, that when "run" in phpMyAdmin (that most hosting companies use for giving you direct access to your MySQL tables) does the work. I am not familiar with the contribution, but because there are no further instructions of what the field should be (varchar, int, text etc.) I would say there is a good chance there is a *.sql file in the package somewhere.
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Often a file with the extension sql is in the package, that when "run" in phpMyAdmin (that most hosting companies use for giving you direct access to your MySQL tables) does the work. I am not familiar with the contribution, but because there are no further instructions of what the field should be (varchar, int, text etc.) I would say there is a good chance there is a *.sql file in the package somewhere.



Having same problem. There is no sql-file included in the package and I have no clue to how I can make a new fileld in the customers table in my database. The only info given is:


Add customers_notes field to your SQL database in the customer table. Suggested size is 128.


Anybody else know how to do this?




Best regards


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Found it out.

Go to your phpmyadmin.

Choose the table "customers" listed to the left side.

Scroll down to the bottom and at the right side of the page there is an option for fields. Press the button ("insert" or something like this, I don't have english language here). New page is coming up. Go to the left side of the page, still at the bottom, maybe just a little further up. There is an option to add new field. When you press the button here ("ok" or "execute" or....) the new field will come up. Here put in:

Field: customers_notes

Value (or length or...): 128


The new field is now added at the bottom of your customers table.


Best regards:-)


Best regards


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Found it out.

Go to your phpmyadmin.

Choose the table "customers" listed to the left side.

Scroll down to the bottom and at the right side of the page there is an option for fields. Press the button ("insert" or something like this, I don't have english language here). New page is coming up. Go to the left side of the page, still at the bottom, maybe just a little further up. There is an option to add new field. When you press the button here ("ok" or "execute" or....) the new field will come up. Here put in:

Field: customers_notes

Value (or length or...): 128


The new field is now added at the bottom of your customers table.


Best regards:-)



Thanks everyone for their help....its in and working !!!! Great.





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