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How do I change the entry time reported by OSC admin tools?


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When I click who's online in the tools section of OSC admin I get a report back that is exactly 2 hours later than the actual time. Sure I can figure it out in my head but I would really like to fix it to reflect the accurate time for me. I checked all over the admin panel for a time zone option to edit but the only thing I found was in configuration-->my store-->zone and it is set correctly to my state.


Thank you,


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osCommerce bases it's time from the server time so if your server is 2 hours off from your local time thats what it will display. To my knowledge there is no way around it.

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osCommerce bases it's time from the server time so if your server is 2 hours off from your local time thats what it will display. To my knowledge there is no way around it.

Thank you very much for that information, if it is unavoidable then that closes the issue in my mind.



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Thank you very much for that information, if it is unavoidable then that closes the issue in my mind.



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Sorry about that, won't link again :-)

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