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How 2 add text links not products?


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I am looking to add a section in the side panel of my site that can be used to link to text on my site. To display site updates, news etc. The only way I can do this is by making a product and listing the price as ?0.00 but it looks stupid on the page.


Can you list text files so you can click a link on the side panel and go to that page of text?

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An easy way to add additional pages is to add one of the contributions.

Extra pages infobox with admin is one of them.



You can add, edit and delete pages via admin and they show up in an infobox.


otherwise there are instructions on the forums (I think in tips and tricks but probably other places as well) as to how to add extra pages to osCommerce.

Wendy James


Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.

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