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Customer Acount


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How do you make it so that customers do NOT have to register or create an account and can just continue shopping without creating an account. I have seen live shops using osC with this function but I cant find where to do this. Please help! Thanks in advance :)

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Well I tried editing my last post but it didnt let me. I tried the PWA contribution but I dont see how to install it. :/



This contribution don't have any files to install. You have to change some codes in several files as described in the textfile "purchase_without_account_1.0.1. This contribution will add an option in the login page to purchase without an account, so when the customers come to this page, they will have three choices insted of two. This three options will be:

1. Create new account

2. Login (if already created account)

3. Purchase without account.


If they choose alt. 3 they will be directed to a page where they will have to enter their personal information, each time they purchase somthing from you.


I have installed this contribution, but not tested it out yet.

Good luck:-)



Best regards


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