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Out of Stock Items earlier check?


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I decided to reply because I am not sure what you are asking about. For the sake of writing I am going to assume a couple of things as I interrpret what you are trying to ask.


In admin you can set Allow check out True/False. False says checkout is not possible if the product is out of stock.


I guess what is confusing on your post is the customer can not get to "checkout shipping", as you say, without logging in.


Maybe if you explain a little more what the issue is someone could help you out further.


Take Care

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Currently I know through admin you can set it to do not allow checkout but the customer needs to login and goto checkout shipping is it possible to stop the customer at the basket page, instead of logging in?




Assuming you are refering to the shopping cart page there is already a default warning visible for products out of stock and hence which can not be checked out at a later stage.

What you can do is make a more clear warning if a product is out of stock. If the customer still goes to checkout you could build an extra check, and warning, before the redirect to the login page on checkout_shipping.php.

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Sorry for not being clear, (late night)


Currently I know through admin you can set it to "do not allow checkout if item is not stock"


Therefore if a product is not in stock the customer can add it to basket, where they see a warning "*** this item is not in stock" however the customer can still click on "continue to checkout" where they they have to login or create an account then they are taken to the checkout shipping page, at this point if they click continue they are taken back to the basket page with the warning.


My Query:

is it possible to stop the customer at the basket page, instead of them being able to login/register and then from the checkout shipping page, be taken back to basket page.?


I hope that make more sense :)


+ Have a happy christmas + seasons greetings



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Sorry for not being clear, (late night)


Currently I know through admin you can set it to "do not allow checkout if item is not stock"


Therefore if a product is not in stock the customer can add it to basket, where they see a warning "*** this item is not in stock" however the customer can still click on "continue to checkout" where they they have to login or create an account then they are taken to the checkout shipping page, at this point if they click continue they are taken back to the basket page with the warning.


My Query:

is it possible to stop the customer at the basket page, instead of them being able to login/register and then from the checkout shipping page, be taken back to basket page.?


I hope that make more sense :)


+ Have a happy christmas + seasons greetings




You could build something around

				<td align="right" class="main"><?php echo '<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_CHECKOUT_SHIPPING, '', 'SSL') . '">' . tep_image_button('button_checkout.gif', IMAGE_BUTTON_CHECKOUT) . '</a>'; ?></td>
			<td width="10"><?php echo tep_draw_separator('pixel_trans.gif', '10', '1'); ?></td>

in shopping_cart.php which prevents showing the checkout button

Look a little above this code for a sample use of

	if ($any_out_of_stock == 1) {

which tells if any of the items in the shopping cart is out of stock.

Also you have to do something alike if you have the checkout in the breadcrumb and/or header part.

But with one product out of stock and other products not you will have a problem. If you only have one product then I would go this way.


MC and a HNY

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