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Restoreing my Database via Admin Interfase


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I'm trying to restore my database via Admin Interface but for some reason it does nothing. It looks like it is doing the job but after it finishes nothing. Can someone help me on this? I have 3 backups and tried all three. I have spent hundreds of hours on this and the thing is I don't know what happened to it. I just logged in one day and it was all gone.


Please help!!

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I'm trying to restore my database via Admin Interface but for some reason it does nothing. It looks like it is doing the job but after it finishes nothing. Can someone help me on this? I have 3 backups and tried all three. I have spent hundreds of hours on this and the thing is I don't know what happened to it. I just logged in one day and it was all gone.


Please help!!


Have you tried running the backup from phpmyadmin? If not I would take whichever sql file you want to use for the restore and run it directly to the database from there

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BACKUP BACKUP BACKUP!!! You did backup, right??

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