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frequent content / footer display problem


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Hi everyone,


I'm not sure what the problem is here... frequently throughout the cart, pages will not properly display. The header area is fine but the main content and footer don't seem to always play well together.


I'm not certain whether it is the content portion not fully displaying or the footer overlapping it. The footer section isn't very tall so I assume it is the content no fully displaying yet it looks like an overlap... I don't know...


Here are some images (with the client's info removed) to illustrate: overlap, how it should look (no overlap)


Not sure if it makes a difference but the contributions I have added are:

- Fast Easy Checkout

- On the Fly Auto Thumbnail

- SoldOut (but displayed) to products_info.php only (not using product_reviews.php so I didn't bother)


I just added the On the Fly Thumbnail two days ago and Sold Out yesterday and yesterday is also the first time I witnessed this overlap has occurring.


This is happening on all pages, not just the product_info pages as illustrated in the image links above. It seems to occur after when using the breadcrumb trail or the continue button to navigate. If I refresh/reload the page, it removes the overlap and the page displays as it should.


Any clue as to why this may have started and how I can stop it from happening?


Thanks so much! :o)

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It looks like you have done some major restructuring of the layout.


The problem looks to me like a misplaced <div> layer. Could it be..


Good luck with this one.

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Yes, I have. It's taking a while as my php knowledge is next to nothing, lots of checking as a go along to be sure I'm not getting rid of anything important.


In playing with the layout, I did remove a lot of the table information and adding divs here and there. I will have a good comb through my coding and see if that is the case. Thanks!

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