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Images not showing on ie


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Can someone tell me where I need to store my images so that they show? I have one showing on my homepage but, the others don't. www.sugar-and-spice.uk.com

This is one of many problems I am facing at the moment. Small chunks I think :blink:


They need to be in the catalog/images directory unless you change the url in your configuration files. If you use the easy populate contribution to upload your data/images, make sure the images directory is accessible, 777.

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Can someone tell me where I need to store my images so that they show? I have one showing on my homepage but, the others don't. www.sugar-and-spice.uk.com

This is one of many problems I am facing at the moment. Small chunks I think :blink:

Hi Ronda,


Alway's place all your pictures in catalog/images otherwise they wont show.


Store them in the same folder as - http://www.sugar-and-spice.uk.com/images/sugar&spice.gif


No problem is unanswerable just sometimes takes a bit of time


PM me maybe I can help you.


Kind Regards,


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