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Emergency help, Tried installing CCGV and i get a fatal error message


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Fatal error: Cannot redeclare create_coupon_code() (previously declared in /home/content/a/w/a/awardsfor/html/catalog/includes/functions/general.php:17) in /home/content/a/w/a/awardsfor/html/catalog/includes/add_ccgvdc_application_top.php on line 36


What do I do?

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Fatal error: Cannot redeclare create_coupon_code() (previously declared in /home/content/a/w/a/awardsfor/html/catalog/includes/functions/general.php:17) in /home/content/a/w/a/awardsfor/html/catalog/includes/add_ccgvdc_application_top.php on line 36


What do I do?



If it's a contrib, go to their support thread. It should be in your docs, or do a search.




"What I didn't know yesterday, I know today & will remember tomorrow"

(By Kwalker)


What do you see when you open up the tep_database-pr2.2-CVS.pdf file that came with your osCommerce download?

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Fatal error: Cannot redeclare create_coupon_code() (previously declared in /home/content/a/w/a/awardsfor/html/catalog/includes/functions/general.php:17) in /home/content/a/w/a/awardsfor/html/catalog/includes/add_ccgvdc_application_top.php on line 36


What do I do?



The error is because its declared both in includes/functions/general.php and in includes/add_ccgvdc_application_top.php


You need to remove it one of the places

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Does it matter which one I remove this from:

// Create a Coupon Code. length may be between 1 and 16 Characters
// $salt needs some thought.

 function create_coupon_code($salt="secret", $length = SECURITY_CODE_LENGTH) {
$ccid = md5(uniqid("","salt"));
$ccid .= md5(uniqid("","salt"));
$ccid .= md5(uniqid("","salt"));
$ccid .= md5(uniqid("","salt"));
srand((double)microtime()*1000000); // seed the random number generator
$random_start = @rand(0, (128-$length));
$good_result = 0;
while ($good_result == 0) {
  $id1=substr($ccid, $random_start,$length);		
  $query = tep_db_query("select coupon_code from " . TABLE_COUPONS . " where coupon_code = '" . $id1 . "'");	
  if (tep_db_num_rows($query) == 0) $good_result = 1;
return $id1;
// Update the Customers GV account
 function tep_gv_account_update($customer_id, $gv_id) {
$customer_gv_query = tep_db_query("select amount from " . TABLE_COUPON_GV_CUSTOMER . " where customer_id = '" . $customer_id . "'");
$coupon_gv_query = tep_db_query("select coupon_amount from " . TABLE_COUPONS . " where coupon_id = '" . $gv_id . "'");
$coupon_gv = tep_db_fetch_array($coupon_gv_query);
if (tep_db_num_rows($customer_gv_query) > 0) {
  $customer_gv = tep_db_fetch_array($customer_gv_query);
  $new_gv_amount = $customer_gv['amount'] + $coupon_gv['coupon_amount'];
  // new code bugfix
  $gv_query = tep_db_query("update " . TABLE_COUPON_GV_CUSTOMER . " set amount = '" . $new_gv_amount . "' where customer_id = '" . $customer_id . "'");  
 // original code $gv_query = tep_db_query("update " . TABLE_COUPON_GV_CUSTOMER . " set amount = '" . $new_gv_amount . "'");
} else {
  $gv_query = tep_db_query("insert into " . TABLE_COUPON_GV_CUSTOMER . " (customer_id, amount) values ('" . $customer_id . "', '" . $coupon_gv['coupon_amount'] . "')");
// Get tax rate from tax description
 function tep_get_tax_rate_from_desc($tax_desc) {
$tax_query = tep_db_query("select tax_rate from " . TABLE_TAX_RATES . " where tax_description = '" . $tax_desc . "'");
$tax = tep_db_fetch_array($tax_query);
return $tax['tax_rate'];


Because I removed it from add_ccgvdc_application_top.php

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