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The e-commerce.

Problem at the top of the Page


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In my product listing, I need to include some html for a URL linking to a soundclip for the item.


I input this html in the product description in the admin panel, and save. When I click on the 'details' button for that product, to view more details, the link not only appears in the description, but also at the very top of my store


here is the problem - as you can see, the image is not only in the description, but also the top of the page...




Any help is appreciated


John :(

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can I just add, that this happens with any html I input in the product description


It appears that you are using one of the meta tag controller contributions. I haven't used any of these myself but am somewhat familiar with the way they work and hopefully this will give you a clue.


I can see that your page is using the product description as the meta tag description. Which is fine if its all regular text, but having added some html code in your product description, that code is also in the meta tag description and of course is trying to be displayed by the browser.


Be well,


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