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The e-commerce.

Use Search-Engine Safe URLs (still in development)


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Hi, im trying to install

search_engine_optimization_for_Os Commerse_webstore_ SEO constribution


and i follow the instruction,


Admin -> Configuration

My Store

- Use Search Engine Safe URL's = True


when i set to TRUE, and i go to www.mydomain.com/shop

it returned an error and it not showing up products...




Unable to determine the page link!


can somebody help how to fix it so i can install this constribution?


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another thing is, when i look at line Use Search Engine Safe URL's in admin configuration page it has (still in development)

Use Search-Engine Safe URLs (still in development)

i dont know it it still developing? that why it caused this problem?

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There are several contributions with names similar to that one, but none of them with exactly that name.


You would be best advised to use Ultimate SEO URL's, provided that Mod Rewrite is enabled on your server. It requires the use of a .htaccess file and Mod Rewrite to alter the urls. Ultimate SEO's works on sites which won't work with the default Search Engine Safe URL's.



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Use Search-Engine Safe URLs (still in development)
Error: unable to determine page link


How do i fix this error message then? does that mean Godday does not support MOD_Rewrite that why it caused this error?


how to get around to fix this error?



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