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2 Quick questions about removing right column and changing image on "Categories" and "Shopping Cart" boxes


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Please read the forum rules. Bumping is prohibited, rather it is recommended that you post again with more details.


I'm assuming you're referring to the little right arrow in the top right corner of some of the infoboxes. Is that correct, or are you referring to the actual corners of hte boxes (rounded versus square)?



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The round corners. I'd like to change them, making the shopping cart's box rounded on the left side and the categories box not rounded at all.


Sorry, but bumping is prohibited? What kind of forum is this? This forum is EXTREMELY high-paced and questions get overlooked if they fall to the bottom. If I had more details, I'd have posted them.


I guess I'm sorry, I didn't expect that. :)

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Sorry, been meaning to answer you all day but wife had me tied up doing Christmas stuff. Here's the answer:


For all box corners there is a parameter set to true/false for each corner; true=rounded, false=square.


For shopping cart box, go to (default) /catalog/includes/boxes/shopping_cart.php and find the following (about line # 20):


new infoBoxHeading($info_box_contents, false, true, tep_href_link(FILENAME_SHOPPING_CART));


Swap the true and false to change round corner. Then set the boxes below to "false, false" for squared corners.


Good luck.



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The round corners. I'd like to change them, making the shopping cart's box rounded on the left side and the categories box not rounded at all.


Sorry, but bumping is prohibited? What kind of forum is this? This forum is EXTREMELY high-paced and questions get overlooked if they fall to the bottom. If I had more details, I'd have posted them.


I guess I'm sorry, I didn't expect that. :)


No worries - - not my rule, but here, one of the most common reasons that posts don't get answered is for lack (or perception thereof) of usable information. Rather than bump, a better idea is to post more information, things you've tried, contribs you've recently installed, what has changed recently, specific error messages, a URL where the error can be seen, etc.



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