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Specials Price Display in Product Info Page


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I have a heavily modified OsCommerce site. Somewhere along the lines, I must have lost the code to display Specials price and the strikethrough of the regular price on the Product Info page. Does anyone know what code I should have on that page to ensure that the specials price and strikethrough show up properly?


Thanks in advance.



Dayton, OH


Hey Mark-

You need to make certain that


exists on your server.


Hopefully you only commented out the code in *catalog*/includes/column_right.php or column_left.php


If it is gone, you download a copy of osCommerce from HERE. Then you will find the code in:



The code looks like this:

  if (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['products_id'])) {
if (basename($PHP_SELF) != FILENAME_TELL_A_FRIEND) include(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'tell_a_friend.php');
 } else {
include(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'specials.php');


It can be used in either column_right.php or column_left.php.



If I'm giving advice, it is based on what path I would take to fix your problem. My path may be wrong.


Hi Danny.


Thanks! However, I am not having a problem with the specials.php existing on the server. That file is indeed there, even though I am not using it in column right or column left.


The problem is with the strikethrough and the specials price not showing up on the product info page after I do a search for the product and click on the link to product_info.php. Do I have to use specials.php in order for the strikethrough and special price to show up on product_info.php?






Figured it out! Was using STS and the template that I was using for product_info did not have the variable for special price.


OsCommerce...giving me plenty of rope!




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