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Weight problem with USPS Shipping


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I installed a "plain-jane" version of ms2 and when I check out,

the package weight is off by 3lbs! I added USPS Methods 2.8b

and that didn't fix it either! (Maybe this is something in OSCommerce

passing the wrong weight?)


I tried setting "0" weight and in the shipping screen it still shows

"United States Postal Service (1 x 3lbs) "


Please does anyone know what i've might have done wrong?


Thanks :)




Sorry... I found a posting with the following information:


Recently experienced a USPS shipping module anomaly where it added too much weight while calculating rates.


For example, an item weighing .25 lbs was showing up as 3.5lbs on the checkout_shipping.php page during the checkout process.

This is caused by two variables unavailable from the Admin site that could be changed in the database if you wish. The variables and defaults are below.


For 2.2MS2 Only


SHIPPING_BOX_WEIGHT (defaults to 3 as in 3lbs) and

SHIPPING_BOX_PADDING (defaults to 10 as in 10%).


To edit values, find the respective configuration_key fields in the configuration table and edit the configuration_value. They will be added to your product's weight at weight calculation time. For more information on their usage see the file /catalog/includes/classes/shipping.php, method quote()


That explains the whole thing...




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