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Installation help -- php.ini error


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I've uploaded the catalog package onto the server, but every time i try to open the installation page, i get this message: FATAL ERROR: register_globals is disabled in php.ini, please enable it! What do i do about this?

Toujours la tienne,

Kosi @)~}~~~

I've uploaded the catalog package onto the server, but every time i try to open the installation page, i get this message: FATAL ERROR: register_globals is disabled in php.ini, please enable it! What do i do about this?

open up php.ini in something like textpad or notepad. Look for the line that says register globals and make sure it is set to on...it probably is, then you will need to copy that file to the right folders, for whatever reason the file is not in all the places it needs to be, so put it also in the catalog folder and in the admin folder, I think that is all, maybe in each folders includes also. You will get it, don't worry. Also, your hosting company should be able to walk you thru how to do what I have suggested. Good luck! :thumbsup:

"I must admit that I personally measure success in terms of the contributions an individual makes to her or his fellow human beings."

---Margaret Mead---


"The answer is never the answer. What's really interesting is the mystery. If you seek the mystery instead of the answer, you'll always be seeking. I've never seen anybody really find the answer -- they think they have, so they stop thinking. But the job is to seek mystery, evoke mystery, plant a garden in which strange plants grow and mysteries bloom. The need for mystery is greater than the need for an answer.

--Ken Kesey"

open up php.ini in something like textpad or notepad. Look for the line that says register globals and make sure it is set to on...it probably is, then you will need to copy that file to the right folders, for whatever reason the file is not in all the places it needs to be, so put it also in the catalog folder and in the admin folder, I think that is all, maybe in each folders includes also. You will get it, don't worry. Also, your hosting company should be able to walk you thru how to do what I have suggested. Good luck! :thumbsup:


Where is this file? I tried looking for it and as far as i can see it does not exist, unless i'm looking in the wrong place.

Toujours la tienne,

Kosi @)~}~~~

Where is this file? I tried looking for it and as far as i can see it does not exist, unless i'm looking in the wrong place.


The php.ini file is typically located in the C:\php folder (where the php interpreter was installed.) On a Windows system it is typically in the C:\windows folder. You can create a simple php file with a phpinfo(); command and the results will show (near the top) where the php.ini file that is being used is located.

Where is this file? I tried looking for it and as far as i can see it does not exist, unless i'm looking in the wrong place.

I use dreamweaver and my hosting cpanel's filemanager to edit and put all my files, so I see it in my folders where it should be. You should be able to find it.

"I must admit that I personally measure success in terms of the contributions an individual makes to her or his fellow human beings."

---Margaret Mead---


"The answer is never the answer. What's really interesting is the mystery. If you seek the mystery instead of the answer, you'll always be seeking. I've never seen anybody really find the answer -- they think they have, so they stop thinking. But the job is to seek mystery, evoke mystery, plant a garden in which strange plants grow and mysteries bloom. The need for mystery is greater than the need for an answer.

--Ken Kesey"

I use dreamweaver and my hosting cpanel's filemanager to edit and put all my files, so I see it in my folders where it should be. You should be able to find it.


The php.ini is only accessible to your hosting system administrator, we though you had your own web server when making the above replies.

The php.ini is only accessible to your hosting system administrator, we though you had your own web server when making the above replies.


I'm a designer working for a client, so i have access to her web server, but it's not mine. I don't have a php folder anywhere on my computer and it's not coming up in my ftp program either. What should i do about this?

Toujours la tienne,

Kosi @)~}~~~

I'm a designer working for a client, so i have access to her web server, but it's not mine. I don't have a php folder anywhere on my computer and it's not coming up in my ftp program either. What should i do about this?


Since you get the register_globals error message, PHP must be installed and running, there will be at least a php.exe file in the PHP installation folder. Do a file search for this and/or the php.ini file. You can also create a simple php script with a phpinfo(); command in it, browse to this, and the resultant display will give you information about where PHP is installed and where the php.ini file is located.

Since you get the register_globals error message, PHP must be installed and running, there will be at least a php.exe file in the PHP installation folder. Do a file search for this and/or the php.ini file. You can also create a simple php script with a phpinfo(); command in it, browse to this, and the resultant display will give you information about where PHP is installed and where the php.ini file is located.


This, i imagine, would be on the client's c:\ drive thereby requiring me to work from her computer? Because right now i'm working remotely and it's nowhere on mine.

Toujours la tienne,

Kosi @)~}~~~

You can also create a simple php script with a phpinfo(); command in it, browse to this, and the resultant display will give you information about where PHP is installed and where the php.ini file is located.


Let's regroup a little. The php.ini configuration file controls the features and functions of the php script interpreter on the web server. Register_globals is one of the settings in the php.ini file. All newer versions of PHP have set this to OFF for security reasons. If this web server is your client's, it will be possible to change register_globals to ON in the php.ini file (the web service must be restarted and/or the server must be rebooted for it to take effect.)


There are a couple of contributions you can search for that have patched oscommerce to run on systems with register_globals = off.


If this is an Apache web server, register_globals is settable on a per directory basis (PHP_INI_PERDIR) meaning - Entry can be set in php.ini, .htaccess or httpd.conf

Let's regroup a little. The php.ini configuration file controls the features and functions of the php script interpreter on the web server. Register_globals is one of the settings in the php.ini file. All newer versions of PHP have set this to OFF for security reasons. If this web server is your client's, it will be possible to change register_globals to ON in the php.ini file (the web service must be restarted and/or the server must be rebooted for it to take effect.)


There are a couple of contributions you can search for that have patched oscommerce to run on systems with register_globals = off.


If this is an Apache web server, register_globals is settable on a per directory basis (PHP_INI_PERDIR) meaning - Entry can be set in php.ini, .htaccess or httpd.conf


Thanks, i appreciate it.

Toujours la tienne,

Kosi @)~}~~~




Im reciving the same error but i dont own the server itself. How would i go about getting register_globals = On


is there a line of code that i need to put in the php files? I was told to place this -


ini_set ('register_globals', '1');



in my php files to get around the globals issue? do i need to place it in every single .php file?


anyhelp would be great! im new to this sorry if this make little sence :D



Im reciving the same error but i dont own the server itself. How would i go about getting register_globals = On


is there a line of code that i need to put in the php files? I was told to place this -


ini_set ('register_globals', '1');

in my php files to get around the globals issue? do i need to place it in every single .php file?


anyhelp would be great! im new to this sorry if this make little sence :D


From the PHP manual, register_globals may only be set in - php.ini, .htaccess or httpd.conf (php.ini is the only method available on Windows systems, all three methods are available on other systems.)


ini_set is not usable for register_globals.


That contribution (compiled by myself) works with the default osCommerce 2.2 MS2, but certain parts of it do not work with the upgraded MS2. Best to use the original Register Globals Patch and apply it manually, file by file, line by line.





Please read my post. My contribution will not work with the updated/patched version of MS2.



Please read my post. My contribution will not work with the updated/patched version of MS2.




So is it basically safe to say that this app doesn't work on any server using the latest updates? Seems ironic. Every response I've read in this and several other forums about this error installing osCommerce either has some workaround to turn the register_globals back on, or strongly warns against it out of principle for security reasons.


Also, I've searched everywhere on my Mac (Panther) Server for a php.ini file. Some replies I've read include a path to it (or one of them as some say there are multiple), but I can only assume they are referring to a directory on a Jaguar Server (v10.2) as the posts are a couple of years old and don't apply to v10.3.


Also, though I'm trying to use this in a test environment on my own server, it will ultimately be hosted remotely and the chances of getting an Admin to alter core files for my cart, decreasing security in the process, are doubtful.


What did I miss?

So is it basically safe to say that this app doesn't work on any server using the latest updates? Seems ironic. Every response I've read in this and several other forums about this error installing osCommerce either has some workaround to turn the register_globals back on, or strongly warns against it out of principle for security reasons.


Also, I've searched everywhere on my Mac (Panther) Server for a php.ini file. Some replies I've read include a path to it (or one of them as some say there are multiple), but I can only assume they are referring to a directory on a Jaguar Server (v10.2) as the posts are a couple of years old and don't apply to v10.3.


Also, though I'm trying to use this in a test environment on my own server, it will ultimately be hosted remotely and the chances of getting an Admin to alter core files for my cart, decreasing security in the process, are doubtful.


What did I miss?


1) The latest downloadable version will work on systems with register_globals = on. It is unfortunate that this latest version, which fixed a number of security problems, did not incorporate the register_globals = off contribution (I am sure this would allow one version to work with either register_globals setting.)


2) It is possible that php.ini was placed in a system folder that cannot be searched or seen by default. Also, if the installation instructions where not followed completely, there may not be a php.ini file. PHP would then be using the default values for everything. The default location for php.ini varies on operating system and how PHP was complied and started. Every installation directly based on the files from www.php.net require that an included "php.ini-dist" file be copied/remaned to php.ini. If PHP is running, you can create a simple .php script file with a phpinfo(); statement in it. Put this into your web server root folder and browse to it. The resultant output will show, near the top, where the php.ini file that is being used is located.


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