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Change the path to return category result?


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osc version 2.2ms2-051113 on a Win platform


Using the samples in my osc version? The home page default is http://www. myweb.net/catalog/index.php which is fine.


When I click on a category such as Hardware the result is returned to:

http://www. myweb.net/catalog/index.php?cPath=1

How would I change this path to

http://www. myweb.net/catalog/index2.php?cPath=1


When I click on a subcategory such as Graphics Cards the result is also returned to:

http://www. myweb.net/catalog/index.php?cPath=1

How would I change this path to

http://www. myweb.net/catalog/index2.php?cPath=1


Thanks in advance for your assistance

sw: mabmab

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open your catalog/includes/filenames.php replace or copy this line:


define('FILENAME_DEFAULT', 'index.php');


with this

define('FILENAME_DEFAULT', 'index2.php');


Then create the index2.php both on catalog/ dir and catalog/languages/english/ dir

You could copy the one on each dir named index.php

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open your catalog/includes/filenames.php replace or copy this line:


define('FILENAME_DEFAULT', 'index.php');


with this

define('FILENAME_DEFAULT', 'index2.php');


Then create the index2.php both on catalog/ dir and catalog/languages/english/ dir

You could copy the one on each dir named index.php



Although it makes sense... it didn't work. Not sure what I missed.

In catalog/includes/filenames.php I changed the default to define('FILENAME_DEFAULT', 'index2.php');

I also had to add the following line so that the main page index.php page would load.

define('FILENAME_HOME', 'index.php');


I also have in catalog/dir and catalog/languages/english/dir the file for both index.php and index2.php


From the browser address bar I can access index.php and index2.php without error.


With this configuration:

Beginning from index.php if I click on a category it reloads using the index.php url with the variables.

Beginning from index2.php if I click on a category it reloads using the index.php url with the variables.

I assumed that the default index2.php should have loaded... but it didn't.


I was attempting to enter the store at index.php click on a link and load the result into index2.php. The reason for this is because I have removed the left and right columns on the index.php, but would like to have the one of the columns on the index2.php page.


What am I missing?


Thanks in advance.

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Do a search in your tree if there are hard-coded instances for index.php Some contributions explicitly are using the script name rather than the definition. If you find one just replace it with the FILENAME_DEFAULT (which now translates to index2.php).

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