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How to sort out the admin configuration menu order


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All the other sub menus can be reordered by the column_left or by the boxes data.


I see that the entire configuration menu list order is done by the database. Is there a contrib or an easy way to find the keys for the config ID value and have it reorder based on what the site operator wants?


I can't find anything on this issue anywhere.





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All the other sub menus can be reordered by the column_left or by the boxes data.


I see that the entire configuration menu list order is done by the database. Is there a contrib or an easy way to find the keys for the config ID value and have it reorder based on what the site operator wants?


I can't find anything on this issue anywhere.






sure, very easily ...


this is the config group table, see the sorting column?


DROP TABLE IF EXISTS configuration_group;
CREATE TABLE configuration_group (
 configuration_group_id int NOT NULL auto_increment,
 configuration_group_title varchar(64) NOT NULL,
 configuration_group_description varchar(255) NOT NULL,
 sort_order int(5) NULL,
 visible int(1) DEFAULT '1' NULL,
 PRIMARY KEY (configuration_group_id)


this is how the config key groups are called in admin/configuration.php

  $configuration_query = tep_db_query("select configuration_id, configuration_title, configuration_value, use_function from " . TABLE_CONFIGURATION . " where configuration_group_id = '" . (int)$gID . "' order by sort_order");


sorted by the sort order ...

on default install, the configuration group id is identical with the sorting


INSERT INTO configuration_group VALUES ('1', 'My Store', 'General information about my store', '1', '1');


open phpmyadmin, and just edit sorting :-)




addicted to writing code ... can't get enough of databases either, LOL!


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Interactive Media Award July 2007 ~ category E-Commerce

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