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Any recommendations for CC processor?


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Any recommendations for CC processor?


I checked into Authorize.net but they seem to only work with 3rd party companies. Since we're running osCommerce off our own webserver they dont seem to want to work with us.



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Try to use 2Checkout


Hope it helps a bit.




Any recommendations for CC processor?


I checked into Authorize.net but they seem to only work with 3rd party companies. Since we're running osCommerce off our own webserver they dont seem to want to work with us.



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Authorize.net has resellers that can and will sign you up.


Personally, I prefer trustcommerce. I'm just about done with an enhanced payment module that will not only pre-auth the cards, like they all do, but will allow you to post-auth and issue credits (refunds) via the osCommerce order editing screen. The customer doesn't ever leave your store, and you won't have to live in the payment processor's web terminal every day.



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Authorize.net has resellers that can and will sign you up.


Personally, I prefer trustcommerce. I'm just about done with an enhanced payment module that will not only pre-auth the cards, like they all do, but will allow you to post-auth and issue credits (refunds) via the osCommerce order editing screen. The customer doesn't ever leave your store, and you won't have to live in the payment processor's web terminal every day.





That sounds like a really interesting payment module. I was wondering if Authorize.net and other gateways allow you to authorize credits through the osCommerce interface? What kind of time frame are you planning for your payment modules completion? What payment processor(s) will be supported? Good luck!

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That sounds like a really interesting payment module. I was wondering if Authorize.net and other gateways allow you to authorize credits through the osCommerce interface? What kind of time frame are you planning for your payment modules completion? What payment processor(s) will be supported? Good luck!


Here's what happened - - someone at an *ahem* derivative of soCommerce decided that they wanted a better TrustCommerce payment module (just for TrustCommerce, not 2Checkout, Auth.net, etc). So, they paid someone at TC to improve it for them. After that, someone else made some changes and re-released it. I found it, found the unfinished code, and am now using it in production.


The only reasons it's not released here yet are:

1) I just finished the current version this morning (last night?) at about 5am.

2) I can't write the readme until later tonight, possibly tomorrow or next week.

3) There is a rounding problem that I've coded a kludge for that I don't like. I want to fix it.



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Here's what happened - - someone at an *ahem* derivative of soCommerce decided that they wanted a better TrustCommerce payment module (just for TrustCommerce, not 2Checkout, Auth.net, etc). So, they paid someone at TC to improve it for them. After that, someone else made some changes and re-released it. I found it, found the unfinished code, and am now using it in production.


The only reasons it's not released here yet are:

1) I just finished the current version this morning (last night?) at about 5am.

2) I can't write the readme until later tonight, possibly tomorrow or next week.

3) There is a rounding problem that I've coded a kludge for that I don't like. I want to fix it.




Well, I'm still very interested. Keep us up to date on your progress and good luck!

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