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Are the Javascript functions in form_check.js.php used any longer?


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Good afternoon, each.


I have made changes to create_account.php, adding additional fields that new customers must complete before creating an account. All of the form/field validation code was added to create_account.php. Then, I noticed that form_check.js.php is included in the page, but as far as I can tell, check_form() is never called. Is form_check.js.php required any longer?

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Good afternoon, each.


I have made changes to create_account.php, adding additional fields that new customers must complete before creating an account. All of the form/field validation code was added to create_account.php. Then, I noticed that form_check.js.php is included in the page, but as far as I can tell, check_form() is never called. Is form_check.js.php required any longer?


search for: onSubmit="return check_form();"


it's usually with the draw form part of the script....

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Ok... bone-headed typo in the alert() I had added to check_form()... the JS is obviously called. aka as fat finger syndrome. Fortunately, it gave me time to realize why the validation happens in two places... because the customer may have disabled JS. Thanks to Rodney for his feedback.

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