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PopUp Image


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I ust loaded and tried the contribution DIFFERENT POPUP IMAGE. This takes and allows you to have a different larger image for your popup than the thumbnail.


My question:


Is it possible to use the thumb nail image and then use a different image on the product page and the popup?


I would like to show a motorcycle helmet in the thumbnail and then on the product page and popup show a picture showing the helmet in each color.

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I ust loaded and tried the contribution DIFFERENT POPUP IMAGE. This takes and allows you to have a different larger image for your popup than the thumbnail.


My question:


Is it possible to use the thumb nail image and then use a different image on the product page and the popup?


I would like to show a motorcycle helmet in the thumbnail and then on the product page and popup show a picture showing the helmet in each color.


yep it is.....do it in the catalog/products section

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