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The e-commerce.

Existing site - OS Commerce


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Hello people,

Reading through todays posts I see 'Robert23' asks about moving pages to OS Commerce...

(03.23 today) 'Jack mcs' replied that its easier to build the site directly into OS Commerce...


My problem is; I've built my site, and it runs to about 200 files, and needed to add a shopping cart. I chose OS Commerce on the advice of a friend. Now I read that I need to start from scratch and build my entire site within OS Commerce. Or do I? Is there any way I can integrate OSC into my existing site?

BTW; I have only a very basic understanding of html - and php is a totally foriegn thing to me.

Can anyone give me some good news? Please? Thanks, Nick.

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make your existing site into an include, transfer all of your navigation into column_left (or right).. then you won't have to rebuild anything :)

Thanks eww, Thats my job for tomorrow night sorted...

Thanks again, Nick.

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