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How do I remove space


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I just uploaded an image for my "Categories" infoboxheader

and removed the OSC default test so it does not show over my image.


Now I have a space between the new "Categories" infoboxheader image and the infobox.


How do I get rid of the space so my image sits right on top of the infobox?


Thank you, Dan Brouwers

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I discovered that the problem was with the imaging software that I was using.


I created my image with a height of "30" and saved it to my picture file on my pc.

So then I entered a height of "30" for the image in boxes.php and uploaded it to my site.


The problem is that when I saved the image it was automatically resized to a height of "20".

Thus making it look like a space of "10" between my infoboxheader image and the infobox.


Hope this may help someone else!


Thanks, Dan Brouwers

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