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Help! - my pics are out of proportion


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I recently began setting up my OScommerce store, and am finding that all of the product pics I upload are coming out distorted (stretched too wide). How do I fix this? Do I need to edit each pic with Photoshop somehow? Also, I would like the pics to be larger, as it is hard to see detail when they are so small.

Please advise,


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I recently began setting up my OScommerce store, and am finding that all of the product pics I upload are coming out distorted (stretched too wide). How do I fix this? Do I need to edit each pic with Photoshop somehow? Also, I would like the pics to be larger, as it is hard to see detail when they are so small.

Please advise,




First of all, make sure you have osCommerce 2.2 MS2 installed or updated.

Then, install image stretch fix contribution here.




It works, since I just installed it.


Good luck.



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First of all, make sure you have osCommerce 2.2 MS2 installed or updated.

Then, install image stretch fix contribution here.




It works, since I just installed it.


Good luck.




thanks for the tip. I tried it, and it seems to have worked. Now, I need to figure out how to enlarge each pic, if possible. Any ideas?

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thanks for the tip. I tried it, and it seems to have worked. Now, I need to figure out how to enlarge each pic, if possible. Any ideas?




To enlarge images you have to determine the size of images (W x H) and go to admin panel->config->images, then edit those width and height settings. Here is my settings for you reference.


Small Image Width 150

Small Image Height 120

Heading Image Width 100

Heading Image Height 80

Subcategory Image Width 150

Subcategory Image Height 120

Calculate Image Size true

Image Required true


I enclsed this thread from the original contributor for you below:


I should also mention that this modification will currently stretch images whose height and width are both smaller than your defined image height and width variables. It determines which dimension to set to the config size, then sets the other dimension accordingly while maintaining the aspect ratio.


Example 1:


Config settings:

Small image height: 120 px

Small image width: 60 px


Original image size:

height: 120 px

width: 120 px


Output image size (small):

height: 60 px

width: 60 px

So you can see that the aspect ratio (1:1) has been maintained, but the image fits within the smaller of the two config settings (width: 60 px)



Example 2:


Config settings:

Small image height: 120 px

Small image width: 60 px


Original image size:

height: 200 px

width: 100 px


Output image size (small):

height: 120 px

width: 60 px

Here, the ratio of 2:1 is maintained, and the image is resized to exactly the config settings, because the ratio of the config settings is also 2:1.



Example 3:


Config settings:

Small image height: 120 px

Small image width: 60 px


Original image size:

height: 10 px

width: 10 px


Output image size (small):

height: 60 px

width: 60 px

This somewhat extreme example shows what happens when both the width and height of the image are smaller than the config width and height. The image is stretched (while maintaining it's aspect ratio of 1:1), and fits within the size defined in the config.



If people feel a need for it, this modification could include in the future the ability to determine if "too small" images get stretched or not....



Eric Covert


Good luck!



Spencer :D

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