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Install Help Import Database step


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I have been trying to install OSCommerce 2ms2 for several days on a Linux box running PHP4, Mysql 4.1, Apache 2. The istall always fails when trying to import the database, all I get is the header and the rest of the screen is blank. I created a blank database prior to install, permission for all the files and folders in the directory and subdirectories are set to 777, register_globals is on register_long_arrays is on and still having this error.


I have searched the board for 2 days and tried everything I found pertaining to this problem and nothing works. Anyone able to help?

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Do the install manually


1. Go to your database via phpMyAdmin. Click just once on the name of the database - just to highlight it and bring up the right column with all of the tables.

2. Then you'll see an SQL link at the top of the page - click on this

3. On the next page use the Browse box to locate the install/oscommerce.sql file on your own computer, then click Go. The database is now set up.

4. Edit the two configure.php files manually.



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Do the install manually


1. Go to your database via phpMyAdmin. Click just once on the name of the database - just to highlight it and bring up the right column with all of the tables.

2. Then you'll see an SQL link at the top of the page - click on this

3. On the next page use the Browse box to locate the install/oscommerce.sql file on your own computer, then click Go. The database is now set up.

4. Edit the two configure.php files manually.




Thank you for your quick response! I am not sure what you mean by edit the configure.php files manually though. What changes need to be made in them?

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