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The e-commerce.

Paypal Alternative or not


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I am about to set up the oscommerce shop for the first time. Was going to go with paypal to process card payments etc. I see a lot of issues with paypal here and do not know how to use payment modules.


Someone on here said "ditch paypal" - can anyone recommend an alternative or atleast a SIMPLE guide to making paypal work? Also did you choose the basic business account when you chose paypal?


Also do your orders go through 100% fine? I am referring to an earlier post about someone who had customers paying fine but not receiving details about their orders after they 'returned' from the paypal payment site



Many thanks,



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There are so many alternate, but it all depends upon your location and the amount you are expected to process aproximately. Few alternatives are 2checkout, worldpay, chronopay,stormpay etc. If your business is registered in US, 2co might be good alternative and if you are incorporated in EU, chronopay and worldpay (little expensive though) might be a good option.

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  • 10 months later...

Beside the above mentioned alternatives - which I already have thrown a look at, I have also come across a pay per phone method which has convinced me, in concreto daopay.com

They offer anonymous payment via phone, no credit card required, no monthly or other fees, and they do not even require a minimum sales figure.


Any comments on this please?

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  • 1 month later...

My intention is to have Paypal due to the fact that most people in the USA/Europe have PayPal. But for you, you need to decide where you will be targeting sales. That should be your first concern. When you know who is going to pay for things, then you can figure what payment system you like.


If I had customers in China I might consider using ChronoPay, as customers can use their Peony cards. If all your sales are electronic, with no actual product shipped, you do not want to use PayPal, as Paypal allows people to dispute the charges and win every time. If your expected sales are small, PayPal is good as there are no monthly fees. StormPay charges a monthly fee of $1, but for each person who signs up, you earn a dollar. For me making payments, StormPay is nice as it interfaces well with e-gold and allows me to transfer money to my StormPay account within 10 minutes.


Do you see where it makes a difference in where you expect to have sales from to base your payment type? I suggest you research each of the payment types good and bad to decide where to go.


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