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Strange n n n n n n Appeared


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We have been editing different files and now we have the layout we want, centered and narrow. But we have developed a strange row of n's under the Categories heading. This does not appear in any other view. Actually started as horizontal n's with spaces and different lengths then became vertical...


Any suggestions welcome, maybe we can exchnage some info

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That happens when you use the file manager in admin. It has a bug in it and should not be used, unless you install the security update contribution, which has a fix for it. You'll need to go through the files causing the problem and replace all occurrences of "n" with "\n".



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We have been editing different files and now we have the layout we want, centered and narrow. But we have developed a strange row of n's under the Categories heading. This does not appear in any other view. Actually started as horizontal n's with spaces and different lengths then became vertical...


Any suggestions welcome, maybe we can exchnage some info

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We have been editing different files and now we have the layout we want, centered and narrow. But we have developed a strange row of n's under the Categories heading. This does not appear in any other view. Actually started as horizontal n's with spaces and different lengths then became vertical...


Any suggestions welcome, maybe we can exchnage some info


Your reply begs the question as to which file...category.php maybe

Where do I go to do the security upfates....

In the category file there are 'text' and language with 'n' do I concentrate on the 'text' only


Thanks for your assistance

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Any files you edit are subject to this problem, but not all of them contain "\n". In short, there's no quick answer, as it depends on the files you edited in the File Manager.


I did a quick file search and found it in 110 files. The categories names are displayed in index.php. Here are all the places where \n exists in a untouched OSC install:


209: echo '				  <tr>' . "\n";
212: echo '					<td><table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">' . "\n" .
213: '					  <tr>' . "\n" .
214: '						<td><a href="' . $cat[$i]['href'] . '">' . tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'categories/' . $cat[$i]['image'], $cat[$i]['title'], '32', '32') . '</a></td>' . "\n" .
215: '						<td><table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">' . "\n" .
216: '						  <tr>' . "\n" .
217: '							<td class="main"><a href="' . $cat[$i]['href'] . '" class="main">' . $cat[$i]['title'] . '</a></td>' . "\n" .
218: '						  </tr>' . "\n" .
219: '						  <tr>' . "\n" .
228: echo '</td> ' . "\n" .
229: '						  </tr>' . "\n" .
230: '						</table></td>' . "\n" .
231: '					  </tr>' . "\n" .
232: '					</table></td>' . "\n";
235: echo '				  </tr>' . "\n";



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