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The e-commerce.

MySQL vs Microsoft SQL


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Is MySQL required for osCommerce or can MS SQL, MSDE, or SQL Express be used in its place?


I thought I had read that MS SQL will also work, but I am unable to get past /catalog/install/install.php?step=2 when trying to install osCommerce. I'm assuming that MS SQL will not work because when I looked at the osCommerce.sql file in iSQL, the syntax seemed to be incorrect as many lines were ignored due to single quotes in some of the query statements.


I do not have much experience with MySQL, but I have heard that some of the commands are slightly different than that of SQL.

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Actually, I don't see that it does. I agree that there should be some sort of documentation though somewhere that says MySQL is the ONLY database engine that osCommerce can run on. Many apps support multiple types of databases via ODBC, allowing a user to choose between alternative options such as Access, MSDE, SQL Express, SQL, and more.




Requirements Last Update: 28th April, 2004

Article ID: 46









osCommerce can be installed on any server where a web server with PHP has been installed on and has access to a MySQL database server.


This includes shared servers, dedicated servers, and even locally on the computer you are currently using, using Linux, Unix, BSD, Mac OS X, and Microsoft Windows operating systems.


Great care has been taken to ensure that:



osCommerce runs on all PHP versions from 4.0 to the latest version, while at the same time taking advantage of new PHP features introduced since the PHP 4.1 series and remaining compatible to 4.0+ versions.

osCommerce runs on all PHP enabled web servers, in both module and CGI based installations, on many operating systems

osCommerce runs on most server specific configurations ranging from dedicated servers to shared servers that utilize different PHP configurations such as register_globals and safe_mode restrictions

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Vger is right.

"has access to a MySQL database server"


Of cause, MySQL is trying to make itself as much same as to MSSQL, even introduced Store Procdure to the new "MySQL Administrator 1.1", but the syntax between those two are still different. If you like to combine PHP - MSSQL, then you need to modify all the MySQL relate codes to MSSQL.

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