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The e-commerce.

Copying contents to a new site


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I have a client who I've installed osCommerce for and they have filled up the products and categories etc and is ready to go live with the site.


A partner to my client sells exactly the same products and is wanting a copy of his shopping cart to use for his business.


Is there a way to copy all the product categories and product descriptions over to the new domain where I have installed a new osCommerce?


FYI these two do not need to be linked, they are different companies but are resellers for the same products.


Is there a way to do this or will this client have to create all the categories and products with descriptions and images from scratch?


Hope somebody can help.




Chris W

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Not too hard at all. In the admin of the first store, do a database backup. Then, download all of the files to your computer. Edit the TWO configure.php files with the data of the new store (domain name and database info). Upload the files to the new store's server. Upload the database file to the database. The tools to do this will possibly be available on each host's control panels. If not, take a look at the tools mentioned in my signature line. They're free and easy to use.

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