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Really annoying problem.....


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As I go throught he checkout process, everything is fine until I click the continue button on the checkout_payment.php screen. The checkout_confirmation.php screen comes up blank and returns the following source code. Is this a silly thing I've missed somewhere? I've re-installed the checkout_* files but it hasn't changed anything. Thanks.

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">


<META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"></HEAD>


I also notice that the first HTML line in the /catalog/checkout_confirmation.php file is

<!doctype html public "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" - ie different to the source of the blank checkout_confirmation.php page I get when checking out.


Does this mean that the continue button sends me to the wrong page?

As I go throught he checkout process, everything is fine until I click the continue button on the checkout_payment.php screen. The checkout_confirmation.php screen comes up blank and returns the following source code. Is this a silly thing I've missed somewhere? I've re-installed the checkout_* files but it hasn't changed anything. Thanks.


I also notice that the first HTML line in the /catalog/checkout_confirmation.php file is

<!doctype html public "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" - ie different to the source of the blank checkout_confirmation.php page I get when checking out.


Does this mean that the continue button sends me to the wrong page?



Well that means

The HTML 4.0 Transitional DTD includes everything in the strict DTD plus deprecated elements and attributes (most of which concern visual presentation). For documents that use this DTD, use this document type declaration: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"



for more info on this subject check out


the w3c

at the end of the day the code will be good

As I go throught he checkout process, everything is fine until I click the continue button on the checkout_payment.php screen. The checkout_confirmation.php screen comes up blank and returns the following source code. Is this a silly thing I've missed somewhere? I've re-installed the checkout_* files but it hasn't changed anything. Thanks.


I also notice that the first HTML line in the /catalog/checkout_confirmation.php file is

<!doctype html public "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" - ie different to the source of the blank checkout_confirmation.php page I get when checking out.


Does this mean that the continue button sends me to the wrong page?


Yes you should, as the other reply suggests, check out the w3c specs for doctypes and what the difference is, but basically:


IE is such a wonky browser that if you run a "normal", that is standards compliant, document description through it, it operates in "quirks" mode and makes horrible measurement decisions about position and size of boxes, and much more.


If you run it "strict" it is forced (to the extent that its inherent brain damage allows) to a standards compliant mode. In other words all the boxes and positions are the same across all browsers. (Very broadly speaking).


"Strict" requires strict markup (that is coding) too, or all sorts of funny stuff happens, so you need to master correct html and css markup to use it.


Advantages? By the time you get to be a real dab hand at it, they (MICROSPLOT INC) will have changed everything again and you can start learning a whole new set of hacks and rules. But hey, second time around will be quicker!


Oh, and your pages will work better "cross browser", which, as increasing numbers of people chuck out IE and plug in proper browsers, can be important.




Thanks for the information. I am a bit new to all of this, so is there an easy way of getting my page back?


Here's hoping!


Sorry to do this again but I'm still non the wiser.


Why is the blank checkout_confirmation page headed HTML 4.0, when the checkout_confirmation page in my catalog is headed HTML 4.01.


Also, how do I get the page to display properly again?


Thanks, I really am stuck here.


Ok, I sorted it out. I noticed that I didn't have enough Order Total Modules loaded in my admin section so I Reloaded them and everything was fine. Sorry for the posts....


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