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Hi there,


I wonder if anyone can help (or suggest the relevant contribution to fix this) - I've read numerous posts and am unsure as to the best way to fix the problem.


What happens is this, occasionally a (stupid) customer will make a purchase and go through the PayPal checkout and what I'm presming they are doing is closing down the browser window before they get to 'checkout_success.php'.


Despite a very prominent message telling them to FULLY complete the checkout process, they are still going astray.


Can anyone help?


Hi easiest and quickest option for this is to set up paypal auto return url option in payapl top of my head log into payapl then go to seller preferences or something, anyway this solves 99% of the problems. Alternatively install the payapl ipn contribution



Thanks Ben, just read your blog,


Here's what I do,


1. I renamed 'Cash on Delivery' Pay Pal (not the space) and leave it uninstalled in admin panel.

2. When a fool 'slips through the net' I login using their email and have installed master password. Just before this I activate the fake 'Cash on Delivery' then complete the checkout for them (their confirmation email will say method of payment 'Pay Pal' so they won't suspect anything.


The problem I've got though is this - it's not my website & I can't spen all day checkin that the email from PayPal and the one from the store match up each time - I need it to work seamlessly every time!


Which contrib would be best - IPN or order logging?




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