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The e-commerce.

Please read, can this be done, urguent!!!!


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I have an oscommerce site with 350 different products, now when i come to process the orders and send invoice to supplier with what I want I usually do it this way. I print off the orders and then compile a list to send the suppliers warehouse for them to get the order ready.



So the order might look like this below to the supplier, the same item might appear more then once anywhere as I add the items ordered 1 by 1. You can see ive had 3 orders for green flags.


1 x green flag 34555

1 x blue flag 44555

1 x red flag 33452

1 x green flag 34555

1 x green flag 34555

1 x grey flag 11121


My question is is there anything I can do or a contribution I can add so I can download a list of all products purchased between set dates including model numbers BUT more importantly it will group the items ordered more then once together. So it would say


3 x green flags 3455

12 x blue flags 4677


so it makes it easier for my supplier, can this be done.

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I'm terribly new here, and don't know if osC will help you or not, but it would be really simple to write a program to load your order (as text file) and simply parse the file on the endline character and create an array of strings where each item of the array is a line. Then, loop through this array adding each item to a 2-dim array where the first item is an incremental number of orders and the second item is the product ID. Just make sure that each time you add an item, you either increment a counter if the item exists, or add new if it does not exist.


Then you could write this new 2-dim array to a text file again.



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I'm terribly new here, and don't know if osC will help you or not, but it would be really simple to write a program to load your order (as text file) and simply parse the file on the endline character and create an array of strings where each item of the array is a line. Then, loop through this array adding each item to a 2-dim array where the first item is an incremental number of orders and the second item is the product ID. Just make sure that each time you add an item, you either increment a counter if the item exists, or add new if it does not exist.


Then you could write this new 2-dim array to a text file again.



Sounds like you really know your logic. Can you generate a sql query for this that gives an order number range as the parameters?

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I use this to generate a "pull list" of my products before packing each week because the products need to be prepared (live plants) before boxing. It pulls up fine but doesn't total each product. It puts them in order by name, though. Then I total and edit down. Pualee, Can you fit a total into it?

orders_products.products_quantity as Q, orders_products.products_name as Plant, orders_total.orders_id as Ord FROM orders_products,orders_total WHERE orders_products.orders_id=orders_total.orders_id AND title = 'Late May (2005):'
ORDER BY  products_name;

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I have an oscommerce site with 350 different products, now when i come to process the orders and send invoice to supplier with what I want I usually do it this way. I print off the orders and then compile a list to send the suppliers warehouse for them to get the order ready.

So the order might look like this below to the supplier, the same item might appear more then once anywhere as I add the items ordered 1 by 1. You can see ive had 3 orders for green flags.


1 x green flag 34555

1 x blue flag 44555

1 x red flag 33452

1 x green flag 34555

1 x green flag 34555

1 x grey flag 11121


My question is is there anything I can do or a contribution I can add so I can download a list of all products purchased between set dates including model numbers BUT more importantly it will group the items ordered more then once together. So it would say


3 x green flags 3455

12 x blue flags 4677


so it makes it easier for my supplier, can this be done.




Sales Report 2

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I just installed the Contrib that Nick suggested. It is quick and easy. I'm looking at the various settings to see how it sorts. Looks great so far.

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Ahh, yeah. i get it. Thanks, Nick!


Sounds like you have your problem solved? Sounds good to me because SQL isnt my thing, I only know enough to get by. I'll probably be learning more in the near future, so if you still want something let me know. I'll try to get it done and justify the effort as 'learning osC' here at work :P



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Yes, and it's very easy to install as Contribs go. Very few file changes and no database updates. Mostly new files (most report and tool contribs are like that). Learning to use it takes about 5 minutes. Select the variables you want and the output format and hit the button. Voila your report is neatly displayed!

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