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The e-commerce.

Credit Cards


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I know that this has probably been asked before, but with nearly 50,000 posts, I doubt that I will find out very quickly.


Anyway, I have the credit card option installed, but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to actually receive the money that a user might pay to me on the shop when using a credit card.


Can anyone tell me what the procedure is to get credit card payments, and how I have them transferred to the site bank account.


Thanks in advance.

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You need a Merchant Account to accept credit cards. Then, you use the card info gathered from your store and give it to them. They will deposit funds (minus their fees) into your business bank account. Ask your bank or search online.

The method used by most online businesses also involves a Payment Gateway which receives data from your osCommerce store in real time and approves the transaction in seconds while your customer is still on your site. You will no longer have to run their numbers manually.

Another way to handle this is to do it all by third party. Paypal has several payment features set up. Read about them on their site.

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