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The e-commerce.

Using Pay Pal


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I am accepting payment on my website using PayPal. It is not fucntioning Properly. When the payment is done through paypal, it does not email me the order from the web site. I am getting a confirmation from paypal saying the funds have been deposited, but nothing is showing up in the database for the order. I do not received the order email, under the customers account it does not show an order, and under items purchased there is not increase. Is there a fix to this problem?


Kevin Huffman


This was the wrong forum to post in - but the answer to your question is quite simple.


If you are using the default Pay Pal module in osCommerce then you rely on the customer hitting the 'Continue' button at the end of the Pay Pal process for them to be returned to your website. If they don't hit that button and return then the shopping cart does not get updated, the stock remains the same, no order is entered in the database, and no order emails get sent out.


You need to go to your Pay Pal account, under Profile and turn on the Auto-Return feature for your account. The Return URL for the Auto Return feature is http://www.yourdomain.com/checkout_process.php (amend as necessary for your website).




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