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Product Info Descriptions, need help please!


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If you look at that page, if you look above my banner, you'll see my problem. I was trying to put in breaks in my description field so it wasn't one big chunk there. Just noticed this morning that little glitch above the banner. Only way I can find to fix it is to have the big chunky product description which I hate. I haven't a clue what to do here. The only thing I can think of that might be causing it is that I have dynamic metatags installed. But that's just my personal guess. I'm using <. br .> (without the spaces and periods). Any suggestions?


Thank you,


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If you look at that page, if you look above my banner, you'll see my problem. I was trying to put in breaks in my description field so it wasn't one big chunk there. Just noticed this morning that little glitch above the banner. Only way I can find to fix it is to have the big chunky product description which I hate. I haven't a clue what to do here. The only thing I can think of that might be causing it is that I have dynamic metatags installed. But that's just my personal guess. I'm using <. br .> (without the spaces and periods). Any suggestions?


Thank you,



you can't use code like that anywhere inbetween your 'head' tags. THe meta tags should be text (and i guess commas) only. I think that should solve your problem. Take those <.br.> tags out.


hope this helps.



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If you look at that page, if you look above my banner, you'll see my problem. I was trying to put in breaks in my description field so it wasn't one big chunk there. Just noticed this morning that little glitch above the banner. Only way I can find to fix it is to have the big chunky product description which I hate. I haven't a clue what to do here. The only thing I can think of that might be causing it is that I have dynamic metatags installed. But that's just my personal guess. I'm using <. br .> (without the spaces and periods). Any suggestions?


Thank you,



yes its the meta tags causing the error they read for that page:

<meta name="keywords" content="Cherub Delight, ALAB CHERUB HOLDING LANTERN, , ">

<meta name="description" content="ALAB CHERUB HOLDING LANTERN: Item #: 35201


Cherub garden lantern. Tealights only (not included). <br>Stone-finish alabastrite and metal. 8 3/4" x 10" x 25 1/2" high.


Normally retails for $99.95">


now ive not used that contribution but surely adding the php strip_tags function will strip the <br> from your keywords and description and fix the error

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Hi Alex,


This is in where I add products from the admin part of the catalog. I don't have that in my header at all. Which is why I'm really lost here lol. I can't figure out how it keeps showing up there. Is there a way to make the product descriptions more ... streamlined looking I guess is what I'm asking. Right now it's just a big chunk of paragraph that I can't break up or that little glitch happens. I hope I'm explaining this ok, sorry. Kind of new to this still.


Thank you,




you can't use code like that anywhere inbetween your 'head' tags. THe meta tags should be text (and i guess commas) only. I think that should solve your problem. Take those <.br.> tags out.


hope this helps.



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yes its the meta tags causing the error they read for that page:

<meta name="keywords" content="Cherub Delight, ALAB CHERUB HOLDING LANTERN, , ">

<meta name="description" content="ALAB CHERUB HOLDING LANTERN: Item #: 35201


Cherub garden lantern. Tealights only (not included). <br>Stone-finish alabastrite and metal. 8 3/4" x 10" x 25 1/2" high.


Normally retails for $99.95">


now ive not used that contribution but surely adding the php strip_tags function will strip the <br> from your keywords and description and fix the error





Just checked i do use dynamic meta tags on one client site and it does strip the tags


which dynamic meta tags contribution are you using??

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OK, It must be taking the product description and merely placing it into the header tags. Or at least that's what it sounds like.


First thing I'd try is doing it with paragraph tags :

<p> </p> etc


Then i'd probably try a different meta tags generator. THere are a few. It'd be best to get one where you can manually add keyowrds & a description.



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OK, It must be taking the product description and merely placing it into the header tags. Or at least that's what it sounds like.


First thing I'd try is doing it with paragraph tags :

<p> </p> etc


Then i'd probably try a different meta tags generator. THere are a few. It'd be best to get one where you can manually add keyowrds & a description.




using <p> will still cause the meta tags to display them if its not striping tags


i use this contribution for a complete seo solution it is very good:


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Just checked i do use dynamic meta tags on one client site and it does strip the tags


which dynamic meta tags contribution are you using??



Hi gscreations,

I'm using the Dynamic Product Meta Tags, doesn't have a version number to it. About to strip it out and see if that solves my problem! Thank you very much for you help.

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using <p> will still cause the meta tags to display them if its not striping tags


i use this contribution for a complete seo solution it is very good:




Thank you gscreations! Will try and install that later, after I remove the other to see if that's my problem. Thank you and to everyone else who answered!



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Just to update, I took out the dynamic metatag and it solved the problem beautifully! Thank you to everyone who helped me there. I was literally about to rip my hair out lol. And thanks for the SEO contribution suggestion, going to try and install that later.

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